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Guide To Configure Meetup Social Login In WordPress | WordPress Meetup SSO

Integration of Meetup Social Login ( Meetup SSO ) For WordPress using OAuth 2.0 Protocol.
miniOrange Social Login and Register enables your users to use their Meetup account to login/register to your WordPress Website. Give your users a Best choice, without remembering passwords, to login/register on your WordPress website. Setup miniOrange Social Login and Register plugin in few easy steps and allow your users to login using Meetup.

Why should I implement Meetup Social Login / Meetup Sign In (Meetup SSO) on my WordPress Site?

Meetup is a social networking site that allows users to search find and join groups related to their own personal interests. Meetup also allows users to organize get-togethers with others users who enjoy the same activities. Some common examples include reading teams, sports teams, book clubs, and social groups. By using login with Meetup saves your users time, and they wouldn’t have to enter their login details at any time. The can simply login with Meetup and get logged in to your WordPress website with a click.
Social Login is the most popular thing you implement on your website nowadays. Almost all websites allows the user to sign in using their social accounts. Through this, a user doesn’t need to go through account creation process on your website. It also saves you build a system of sign up flow. Social sites already did this and websites can rely on the social sites for user verification.

What is OAuth 2.0?

OAuth 2.0, which stands for “Open Authorization”, is a standard designed to allow a website or application to access resources hosted by other web apps on behalf of a user. OAuth 2.0 provides consented access and restricts actions of what the client app can perform on resources on behalf of the user, without ever sharing the user’s credentials.
Although the web is the main platform for OAuth 2, the specification also describes how to handle this kind of delegated access to other client types (browser-based applications, server-side web applications, native/mobile apps, connected devices, etc.)

WordPress Social Login plugin allows for secure login into WordPress while utilizing Meetup as an OAuth and OpenID Connect provider. You may also configure the plugin to use several OAuth providers, such as Facebook, Google, Discord, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon, Stackoverflow, Twitch any many more. It enables sophisticated Single Sign-On functionalities like user Customize Icons, Redirection and so on. In this article, we will go through how to set up SSO between WordPress and Meetup.

WordPress Meetup Single Sign-On (SSO) for WordPress can be achieved by using our WordPress Social Login plugin.

Click here to know more about other features we provide in WordPress Social Login plugin.

Steps to Configure Meetup Social Login into WordPress (WP)

Step 1: Configure Meetup Social Login into Your WordPress

Follow the steps below to configure Meetup login in WordPress

miniorange img Configure Meetup Social Login
  • Login to Meetup : Go to Meetup API and login to your account.
  • Click on OAuth Consumers tab.
  • Meetup SSO Login Setup Meetup
  • Create application : Click on "Create New Consumer" or "Create one now".
  • Meetup login SSO Create application
  • Consumer name : Name of your Meetupapp.
  • Redirect URI :Copy Callback URL from plugin.
  • Check "Yes, I agree" checkbox for Platform Terms of Service and click on "Register Consumer".
  • NOTE: all the details on the Register OAuth Consumer page are mandatory and need to be filled before clicking on Register Consumer

    Meetup SSO Login Consumer name wordpress
  • Once App is created successfully, you'll see the key and secret of the app.
  • Get Client ID and Client Secret : key is Client ID and secret is client secret.
  • Meetup SSO Login Get Client ID

2. Set credentials in miniOrange Social Login Plugin

    Step 2: Set credentials in miniOrange Social Login Plugin

    • Copy the Client Id and Client Secret form above setup and Paste them into the fields in Instructions.
    • social login Client Id secret
    • Then click on Save & Test Configuration button.
    • social login Test Configuration
    • Custom app will set properly when Test configuration get successful
  • Now, You can see the Meetup Social Login button is activated on your WordPress Website. This will allow users to connect to your website using Meetup.
  • Meetup wordpress social login icon on wordpress Meetup login
  • If you not able to Add Social login icons on your custom login/registration page of your website, you can use our shortcode Guide.

You have successfully configured Meetup Social Login for WordPress Website.

Attractive Social Login Icons

  • We also provide attractive social login icons in latest version of the social login plugin with 4 types of shapes for social login icons Round, Rounded Icons, Square and Long button. Six themes including Default, White Background, Custom Background, Hover, Custom Hover and Smart. We also provide transform effect for all types of themes and buttons.

Popular Integrations

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in the Discord server

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HubSpot Integration

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successful registration via
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Custom Registration form

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MailChimp Integration

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integrate details of new as well as existing users. Mailchimp helps to Engage your audience with beautiful, branded emails.

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Additional Resources

If you are looking for anything which you cannot find, please drop us an email on

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