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How to setup 2-Factor Authentication on WordPress Login with Ajax form?

WordPress Login With Ajax is a plugin that adds the ability to place a login widget in the sidebar with seamless AJAX login effects for sites that require user logins or registrations but don’t want to utilize the standard WordPress login pages. The WordPress 2FA plugin provides TOTP/OTP based verification, Email or phone verification methods after Login with Ajax form. The purpose of this guide is to enable 2FA for Login with Ajax form. To use it with 2FA, go to the forms page in the WordPress admin and change the default login form for WordPress 2-Factor Authentication(2FA) plugin.

You can download miniOrange 2-Factor Authentication(2FA) plugin using the following link:

This plugin can be configured for any TOTP-based/OTP Login 2fa methods like Duo/Microsoft/Google Authenticator. It supports OTP login based 2fa methods [24/7 SUPPORT]

  Tested with 6.0.1

Follow these steps to setup Two Factor Authentication(2FA) on the WordPress Login with Ajax form

1. Installation for 2-Factor Authentication(2FA) plugin.

    Follow the steps below to download 2-Factor Authentication(2FA) plugin on WordPress.

  • Open the WordPress dashboard, go to plugins and click on Add New.
  • WordPress Login with Ajax - Go to plugins option
  • Search for the Google Authenticator plugin in the search bar and install the plugin by clicking on Install Now.
  • WordPress Login with Ajax - Search plugin name
  • Now, Click on Activate.
  • WordPress Login with Ajax - Click activate button
  • Go to the WordPress dashboard and Click on the miniOrange 2-Factor plugin from the left side menu.
  • WordPress Login with Ajax - WordPress dashboard page

2. User Select the Specific Role for Authentication

  • Now, Click on the Settings tab.
  • WordPress Login with Ajax - Go to settings tab
  • You can scroll down and navigate to select user roles to enable 2-Factor.
  • Select any User Role and click on the Save Settings button.
  • WordPress Login with Ajax - Select role of user

3. 2-Factor Authentication(2FA) Configuration with Login with Ajax login form

  • Now, go to your Login with Ajax login page.
  • Enter your WordPress login credentials and click on the Login button.
  • Ajax login form WordPress - Enter your username and password
  • miniOrange provides multiple 2-factor authentication(2FA) methods for WordPress as shown in the image below.
  • Ajax login form WordPress - 2fa authentication methods list
  • You can select any 2fa method of your choice. We will be configuring Google Authenticator for the WordPress Login with Ajax login form.
  • Select Google Authenticator from the list of two factor(2FA) methods.
  • Ajax login form WordPress - Select google authenticator
  • Now install Google Authenticator app on your phone and scan the QR code from the current page.
  • Ajax login form WordPress - Scan google authenticator barcode
  • Once this is done, the Google Authenticator Application will provide you with the security/Soft token or the six digits to verify your identity. Enter this security token in the field below and click on Verify and Save.
  • Ajax login form WordPress - Click verify and save

4. 2-Factor Authentication(2FA) Invoke with Login with Ajax login page

  • Now open the incognito window in your browser and type your website’s URL.
  • On trying to login into the WordPress account, the Login with Ajax page will be prompted. Enter your account credentials and click on the Login button.
  • login with ajax Wordpress - Enter your username and password
  • After entering the credentials, the Google Authenticator method will be prompted as a second factor for WordPress Login with Ajax form. Now enter the security token/six digits from the Google Authenticator app and click on Validate.
  • login with ajax Wordpress - Enter received otp
  • You will now be logged in to the WordPress dashboard.
  • We have Successfully configured the 2FA/MFA (Google authenticator) with WordPress Login with Ajax form.
  • login with ajax Wordpress - Successful login

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