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How to Integrate Login with Facebook into Your WordPress Website

Integration of Facebook Social Login ( Facebook SSO ) For WordPress using OAuth 2.0 Protocol.
miniOrange Social Login enables your users to use their Facebook account to login/register to your WordPress Website. Give your users the best choice, without remembering passwords, to login/register on your WordPress website. Setup WordPress Facebook Plugin by miniOrange in a few easy steps and setup Facebook.

This plugin is used to add the option to sign up and sign in with social media to your website. Not just Facebook, but also Google, Paypal, Pinterest, Disqus, Amazon, Twitter, and other well-known networks can be integrated with your website. Isn’t this plugin really useful and powerful? Let’s have a look at how to set it up.

Why should I implement Facebook Social Login on my website?

Integrating Facebook social login on your website has a lot of benefits. When users come to your website they can start using it in seconds. They will not have to fill up any forms or remember another set of credentials. They can just log in with a single click using Facebook social login. All the users you get on your website and their data will already be verified by Facebook. You can be assured that your user data is authentic. The login process consisting of authentication and authorization will be done on Facebook’s side.
This only makes things easier for you as you don’t have to deal with managing user accounts and forgotten passwords.

What is OAuth 2.0?

OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard authorization protocol. OAuth 2.0 priorities client developer ease of use while offering particular authorization processes for web apps, desktop applications, mobile phones, and living room devices.

WordPress Social Login plugin allows for secure login into WordPress while utilizing Facebook as an OAuth and OpenID Connect provider. You may also configure the plugin to use several Oauth providers, such as Google, Discord, Twitter, Twitch, Apple, Amazon, Stackoverflow, LinkedIn any many more. It enables sophisticated Single Sign-On functionalities like user Customise Icons, Redirection and so on. In this article, we will go through how to set up SSO between WordPress and Twitch.

WordPress Facebook Single Sign-On (SSO) for WordPress can be achieved by using our WordPress Social Login plugin. In this guide, we will see how to implement Facebook on your WordPress website in the easiest way. To know more about other features along with Facebook Social Login we provide in the WordPress Social Login plugin, you can click here.

How does Social Login Works?
The social login process is extremely simple. Users come to your website and select whichever social login provider they want to login. They fill in their details on the social network provider’s site. Once the authentication process is completed by the social provider the user can start using your WordPress website. If they are a new user then they are registered and if they are an existing user they are logged in.

Facebook is the most used social networking platform in the world. With over 2.7 billion users, Facebook is the biggest social network worldwide.

Almost everyone who has an internet connection has an account on Facebook.
86% of users report being bothered by having to create new accounts on websites. Think of a scenario where you have to create a new account on every website. Sound’s annoying right?
Thus we can make your website much easier to access by allowing users to connect using Facebook. With Facebook, Social Login users can perform

How to add Facebook Social Login on your WordPress website.
The easiest way to allow login with Facebook on any WordPress website is to use a Social login plugin. Facebook Social Login is the most common social login used on most websites.miniOrange Social login is one of the most popular social login plugins that allows you to implement Facebook Social Login with lots of free features.
Following is a list of the Facebook Integrations we provide.
Free Login with Facebook
Display – Default display on login, register, and comment forms.
Shortcode – Display login icon anywhere on your site.
Customization – Completely customizable login icons. Choose from different themes, shapes, any size, and any color.
Facebook Sharing
Facebook Commenting
Social share count for Facebook.

Instructions :
After you decide which permissions you want to request from your visitors, you’ll need to build a Facebook application that can handle them. Fortunately, it’s not as complicated as it might sound.

Steps to configure Facebook Social Login into WordPress (WP)

Step 1: Configure Facebook Social Login into Your WordPress

Follow the steps below to configure Facebook login in WordPress

miniorange img Configure Facebook Social Login
  • To get started, Go to Facebook developers console click here and sign up/Login with your facebook developer account.
  • facebook wp developer login app
  • Go to the Facebook Developers apps page and click the button to Add New App.
  • facebook wp social login create facebook app
  • Then choose the Allow people to log in with their Facebook account option as use case and press Next.
  • social login facebook wp social login app options
  • Enter the App Name and Add Contact Email for your Facebook app respectively then click on Create App button to save your settings.
  • facebook social login app wp detials
  • Go to App Settings -> Basic to view your App Id and App Secret. The App ID is your Client ID and the App Secret is your Client Secret, keep these values handy as you will need them later to configure the miniOrange Social Login Plugin (Refer to the images below).
  • App Domain: Write your website’s domain there.
  • Privacy Policy URL: Fill in this box with the URL liked to your website’s privacy policy page.
  • Terms of Service: Fill in this box with the URL linked to your website’s terms of service page.
  • User Data Deletion:drop down, Select Data Deletion Instruction URL (Enter the URL of your page with the instructions on how users can delete their accounts on your site).
  • Choose a category from the dropdown in the Category field and pick the App Purpose option that describes your App the best, then press Save Changes to save your configurations.
  • fb wp social login facebook basic info fb wp social login facebook basic info
  • Now scroll down and click on Add Platform button. Select the Website option as you are trying to integrate your Facebook Login with a website. Click on Next.
  • facebook social login app review tab permissions
  • Next, enter the Site URL (from your miniOrange social login plugin WordPress) and click Save. Then, click Continue.
  • facebook social login app review tab permissions
  • Click on the Use cases tab on the left side and then click on the Customize button that appears next to the Authentication and account creation item.
  • social login facebook request advance access
  • Below the Permissions section, find the email permission and click on the Add button.
  • By default, your application only has Standard Access for the “public_profile” and “email” permissions, which means that only you can log in with it. To get Advanced Access you will need to go trough the Business Verification, that you can start on the Verification tab on the left side.

    social login facebook developer status
  • Under the Facebook Login >> settings section click on Go to settings button to add the Redirect/Callback url.
  • facebook social login complete data checkup
  • Into the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field add the Redirect/Callback URL which you will get from the miniOrange Social Login Plugin. Click on Save changes button.
  • facebook social login enable advance permission
  • Currently your app is in Development Mode which also means that people outside of your business can not use it. Once your verification is completed, click on the Go live tab and publish your app by clicking on the Go live button at the bottom right corner. Before you press it, it is recommended to check the steps listed on the “Go live” page, if you configured everything properly.
  • facebook social login enable advance permission

2. Set credentials in miniOrange Social Login Plugin

  • Go to miniOrange Social Login plugin → click on Configure Apps → click on Facebook Login Icon:
  • facebook WordPress social login miniOrange social plugin
  • Copy the Client Id and Client Secret form above setup and Paste them into the fields in Facebook Login Instructions.
  • facebook social login WordPress social login Client Id
  • Then click on Save & Test Configuration button.
  • A new window will appears and ask you to login to your Facebook account. Login with the account which you used to register the account in Facebook for Developer. Press Continue as … to complete the login process.
  • A notification from the plugin that The test was successful will be shown. That means your Custom app will set properly.
  • facebook WordPress social login Test Configuration
  • Now,You can see the facebook social Login button is activated in your WordPress Website.
  • Facebook Login Button looks like the following image on WordPress.
  • Facebook social login icon on wordpress website
  • If you not able to Add Social login icons on your custom login/registration page of your website, you can use our shortcode Guide.

You have successfully configured Facebook Social Login for WordPress Website.

Attractive Social Login Icons

  • We also provide attractive social login icons in latest version of the social login plugin with 4 types of shapes for social login icons Round, Rounded Icons, Square and Long button. Six themes including Default, White Background, Custom Background, Hover, Custom Hover and Smart. We also provide transform effect for all types of themes and buttons.

Popular Integrations

WooCommerce Integration

With Woocommerce Integration you can Display Social Login buttons on Woocommerce pages and prefill details of a user in the billing and
checkout fields

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Discord Integration

Discord Integration add-on allows you to restrict the login/registration
of user based on
whether the user is present
in the Discord server

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HubSpot Integration

Hubspot Addon provide hubspot integration
where user contact will be automatically added to hubspot contact list on
successful registration via
social login applications

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Custom Registration form

With Custom Registration Form Add-On integrate details of new and existing users. Add multiple fields including the one returned by social sites during registration

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BuddyPress Integration

Buddypress integration add-on provides you both the features buddypress display option
and buddypress
extended attribute mapping

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MailChimp Integration

Mailchimp Add-On helps you to
integrate details of new as well as existing users. Mailchimp helps to Engage your audience with beautiful, branded emails.

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Additional Resources

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