Monitor Orders
Prevent chargebacks and fraud by automatically canceling high-risk orders or being notified of risky orders
or unfulfilled old orders.
Auto Fulfill Orders
Create rules to fulfill line items that meet specific criteria. Digital products, Amazon FBA, by-product
conditions, and other examples are provided.
Tag Orders + Customers
Create orders or customer conditions based on tag rules. You can also add notifications and tag previous
Automate workflow
Create automated tasks, track inventory, automate tagging, send notifications, sales reports, delayed jobs,
and scheduled execution, among other things.
Connect more apps that your company relies on
Shopify should be expanded. Expand automation to include more apps and data integrations.
Send and receive email and SMS notifications
Keep teammates and customers up to date on critical events as they happen.
Schedule Shopify workflows to run whenever you want
Run automation at any time by scheduling it in our app and connecting to the Flow.
Drag and Drop Workflow Design
You can use the store's APIs without knowing any code and design the workflow you want with drag and drop.