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WordPress Cognito Integration for Seamless User Management

Problem Statement

AWS Cognito serves as a central database for storing user information, while the WordPress site is where users log in and access content or services. It is crucial to maintain consistency and accuracy of user data by establishing a synchronization mechanism that enables data syncing between the WordPress site and AWS Cognito User Pool, ensuring efficient Cognito user management.

The challenge faced by many customers lies in achieving an automated and seamless sync of user information between the two platforms. This involves detecting and syncing any changes or updates made to user profiles, as well as incorporating new user registrations or modifications performed on either platform.

How to achieve seamless user management between WordPress and Cognito?

The miniOrange Cognito Integration plugin offers a solution that allows users to synchronize user data between WordPress and AWS Cognito. To use the WordPress Cognito Integrator, make sure to install the WordPress OAuth Client plugin on your website. When users log in, the Cognito Integrator creates WordPress users based on the attribute and role mapping in the WordPress OAuth SSO plugin and then logs them in. Know more about WordPress OAuth Client plugin.
Following are the scenarios which WordPress Cognito Integrators can help you with:

Scenario 1: WordPress to Cognito

    Case 1: Auto-create user in Cognito Pool upon registration in WordPress

      When users register on WordPress, it is important to directly register them in the Cognito User Pool. AWS Cognito does not have much flexibility for users to customize the signup form, so it's crucial for customers to have the ability to apply custom CSS to the signup forms. Customizing the forms and applying CSS helps improve the user experience on your WordPress site, ensuring a seamless Cognito user management process.

      Due to these reasons, customers want to avoid redirecting their users to the default Cognito forms. They are looking for a solution that allows them to integrate the registration functionality directly into their WordPress site.

      The miniOrange Cognito Integration plugin offers a solution for seamless user creation. Whenever a user signs up on your WordPress site, this plugin handles the tedious task of creating the user directly in the Cognito Pool. It streamlines Cognito user management on the backend.

      Many form-builder plugins are available to help you build custom forms for your WordPress site. Some of the form builder plugins supported by miniOrange Cognito Integration are:

      Cognito Forms

      Elementor Forms

      Formidable Forms

      Gravity Forms

      Ultimate Member Forms


      If you are using any plugin other than the above-listed plugins, please reach out to and let us know so we can check for the compatibility of Cognito Integration with your desired plugin.

      Also, in case you are using your own custom plugin/custom code for integrating Custom forms on your WordPress site, we also provide solutions for the same. Learn more.


      Consider a case where you have a WordPress site where users can purchase products or avail of any content based on various memberships. Whenever a user registers on your WordPress site, the Cognito Integration automatically creates their account in the Cognito User Pool. This integration includes syncing desired user information such as account username, first name, residential address, phone number, and more.

      This approach offers an added advantage if there are any issues with your WordPress database in the future, having the user information securely stored in AWS Cognito ensures that your users' data remains intact and uncompromised. Cognito user management acts as a reliable backup, providing an extra layer of protection for user data.

      AWS Cognito login with Custom forms

    Case 2: Sync user information from WordPress to Cognito at the time of user update

      Users have the ability to change and update their user information directly from the WordPress site, which should be synced with the AWS Cognito Account to ensure data consistency.

      In scenarios where multiple sites utilize a single Cognito Pool as a centralized database for storing users, including a WordPress site, it becomes crucial to synchronize any changes made to user profiles on the WordPress site with the Cognito Pool. This synchronization ensures that the updated information is reflected across all sites connected to the Cognito Pool.

      The WordPress Cognito Integration seamlessly handles the task of syncing the updated user information back to the Cognito Pool. This is particularly important when users update details like residential addresses and contact information, which need to be consistently updated across all sites within your network.

    Case 3: Delete account from Cognito Pool on Deletion in WordPress

      When a user's account is deleted from WordPress, it's important that their user account can automatically be deleted from Cognito User Pool. By removing the user's account from both platforms, it ensures that all data associated with that user is properly taken care of.

    Case 4: Reset User’s Cognito Password directly from WordPress

      When a user password is reset in WordPress, the same password can be synced to Cognito. As a result, users can seamlessly access both WordPress and Cognito without the need to remember multiple passwords.

Scenario 2: Cognito to WordPress

    If a user updates their information on the Cognito Pool Portal, the changes can be synced and mapped to their corresponding WordPress user profile upon their next login into the WordPress site via Single Sign-On. This process is made easier through the attribute mapping and role mapping features available in the WordPress SSO plugin.

Additional Cognito Use Cases Supported

Access Site with Cognito Credentials & Custom Forms
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Sync User Memberships to Cognito Pool with WP Cognito Integration
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WP Login & Registration with Cognito in Custom Login Code
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Register & verify users via Cognito OTP on WooCommerce checkout
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Sync existing users from WordPress to Cognito user Pool
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AWS Cognito SSO and User Sync with WP and Woocommerce
AWS Cognito Single Sign-On (SSO) usecase
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